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About Us
Singapore ASCD is an international affiliate of ASCD, USA. Singapore ASCD is committed to EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION through the promotion and sharing of effective instructional and curriculum practices.
Singapore ASCD is well-known in the education sector for bringing in speakers who are internationally renowned for their expertise in education. This helps to provide educationists in Singapore the edge in teaching and learning.
Singapore ASCD is an affiliate of ASCD International. Members of Singapore ASCD are not automatically members of ASCD International and are not entitled to the benefits offered by ASCD International. Similarly, Singaporeans and Singaporean residents who are members of ASCD International, and not members of Singapore ASCD, are also not entitled to benefits offered locally.
We encourage all interested parties to be members of both ASCD International and Singapore ASCD to obtain maximum benefits from both organisations.
ASCD International offers a range of services and products and these can be found on their website.
Singapore ASCD offers a range of workshops that are tailored to local contexts and needs at competitive rates. We bring in world-class trainers, speakers and consultants to work with educators and non-educators who are our members. Join us today for special rates at workshops and events, and stay abreast with local and international developments in education.
To be a member of Singapore ASCD, please click here.
To be a member of ASCD International, please click here.
Members are welcome to view the Singapore ASCD Constitution.